Placebo Response Reduction
Reduce placebo response in participant-reported outcomes and neutralize participant expectations of treatment benefit.

Neutralize Participant Expectations. Improve Accuracy.
Placebo response leads to failed studies. If your next trial includes a placebo, you need WCG’s Placebo Response Reduction training program.
Patient expectations drive placebo response, and placebo response—along with the accuracy of patient- and clinician-reported outcomes—strongly influences the outcome of clinical trials. So to diminish the placebo response, you must neutralize the subject’s expectation that the treatment will be of benefit.
That’s what we do. WCG’s Placebo Response Reduction program provides a psychoeducational approach to training monitors, staff, and subjects. The goal: Encourage neutral expectations from subjects and reduce measurement error, which leads to more successful trials.
We now know that well-trained research staff not only can avoid passing their biases down to the patients but can help patients neutralize their own expectations.
Explore our other Threat Detections
Improve patient-reported data with Accurate Symptom Reporting training
WCG has developed and validated the industry-leading training program to improve the accuracy of symptom reporting.
Ensure consistent scoring with Rater Services
WCG delivers training based on years of clinical expertise and extensive trial experience that is firmly grounded in proven concepts of adult learning.
Because we maintain a constantly updated list of trained raters, we can deploy them quickly when and where they are needed.
Explore Placebo Response Reduction for your study
Complete the form to request a schedule a consultation. We’ll assess your needs, review our training service and demonstrate how WCG can reduce placebo response for your study.
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