Clinical Endpoints

Confidently control your trial’s evidence data.

Embrace a proven approach to endpoint management and protection without disrupting study timeline or goals.

The number of trial endpoints has increased year-over-year since 2003 and will continue to increase.

More endpoints, more opportunities. Influence a new standard for clinical data quality at a time when it’s so needed. Move the needle forward in a compliant, cost-efficient, and scientifically sound way to create real-world impact.

Simplify what feels complex 

650+ scales supported and 6,000+ translations of those scales

Minimize data variability and errors

1.5 million-plus statistically aberrant​ signals detected with next-gen Study Analytics technology platform

Global reach, local support

Provide endpoints support for 50% of sites worldwide, with support for 100+ local languages

Explore our Clinical Endpoint solutions

Cognitive Assessments

Validated, proprietary electronic cognitive assessments to determine cognition in everyday life activities.

Rater Training & Qualification

Curb variability and ensure compliance with a proven approach to rater training.

Independent Rating

Standardized, remote specific assessments. 

Independent Review

Clinical over-read of site-rater assessments. 

Remote Assessments 

WCG’s secure, scientifically validated, easy-to-use remote solutions broaden the pool of qualified candidates and reduce participant/site burden without compromising data integrity. 

Imaging Core Lab

WCG’s full-service medical imaging core lab provides comprehensive imaging services to pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device companies across all therapeutic areas.

Endpoint Adjudication Committees 

Choose the path of most assurance. WCG’s unrivaled expertise around all necessary therapeutic areas helps us hand assemble EACs that are perfectly matched to each specific trial.  

Endpoint Protection

Confidently execute with purpose-built technology that continually calibrates, prevents, detects, and corrects threats to study endpoints. Chart a clear-headed path that withstands disruption as scientific innovation explodes all around.

Endpoints & Assessments

Scientifically validated scale management and development services with support for over 100 scales, as well as endpoint selection expertise.

Threat Detection

Tailored, evidence-based interventions that  mitigate the risks of bias, variability and human error in clinical trials, especially those with subjective primary endpoints.

Study Insight Analytics

Next-gen platform of analytics and retrospective analysis combined with clinical expertise to improve clinical development.

Electronic Assessments


Cutting-edge technology with the largest CNS eCOA plug-and-play library in the industry. 

Neurostatus eEDSS

An enhanced digital version of the Neurostatus Expanded Disability Status Scale designed to improve a rater’s data entry experience. Developed in collaboration with Neurostatus UHB, a University Hospital Basel subsidiary and its CEO, Dr. Marcus D’Souza. 

Seizure eDiary

Developed in partnership with participants, study teams, data managers and The Epilepsy Study Consortium (TESC), the eDiary was built with the participant and site experience in mind, and designed for speed, configurability and data integrity. 

Our Clinical Endpoint technologies

The best way to predict the likelihood of your research study is to determine it

There’s no time for doubt or delays. WCG’s clinical endpoint solutions demystify trial efficacy by reducing clinical trial error rate and, subsequently, the risk of inconclusive and unsalvageable studies.