Wenora Johnson staff image

Wenora Johnson


Ms. Johnson is a three-time cancer survivor (colorectal, endometrial, and basal-cell carcinoma) and a Lynch syndrome patient. She has gained a full understanding of policy, research, and clinical trials through her work with such organizations as PCORI as a peer reviewer, Fight Colorectal Cancer, and National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship. Armed with valuable information and statistics, she advocates with passion on Capitol Hill several times a year. Since her diagnosis, she has also participated in genetic and biomarker studies to help her fully understand Lynch and Muir-Torre syndromes.

As a Lynch syndrome patient, she is a strong proponent of genetic testing and awareness. She serves on various panels and boards, contributing as a research advocate with organizations like CAP, Fight CRC, FORCE, and more. She also has been nominated to work with the Department of Defense Cancer Research Panel.