John E. Neiderhuber, MD
Dr. Niederhuber is currently adjunct professor of surgery and oncology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and deputy director of the Johns Hopkins Clinical Research Network. He retired in April 2019 from his position as executive vice president, Inova Health System, where he served as the chief executive officer and founder of the Inova Translational Medicine Institute, a not-for-profit genomics research institute. In 2006, he was appointed as the 13th Director of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), of the National Institutes of Health by President Bush. Before assuming the NCI directorship, he chaired the National Cancer Advisory Board.
Dr. Niederhuber has held several academic leadership positions, including director of the University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center and professor of surgery and oncology (member of the McArdle Laboratory) at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine from 1997 to 2005. In the past, Dr. Niederhuber served as president of the Society of Surgical Oncology and president of the Association of American Cancer Institutes. He is a member of the National Academy of Medicine and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.