Linda Martin
President & Founder, WCG KMR Group
Linda Martin is founder and president of KMR Group, a leading data analytics and benchmarking firm that for more than 25 years has focused on biopharmaceutical R&D. She developed the premiere benchmarking and analytics platform used to assess R&D performance – from the most detailed investigator site and trial information to the portfolio level -- and integrate analytics into operations.
Linda works closely with industry leadership to evaluate trends, enhance outcomes, reduce cycle time, manage cost, and improve performance across the full range of R&D. She is an expert in performance assessment, data analytics, benchmarking, predictive modeling, and the use of data to improve output. She has designed numerous software tools that give users access to reliable, cross-industry data to meet various business needs.
Linda has a Master of Management degree from Northwestern University’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management and an undergraduate degree from the Illinois Institute of Technology.