David A. Borasky, MPH, CIP
Vice President, IRB Compliance, WCG
David A. Borasky serves as Vice President of IRB Compliance for the WIRB-Copernicus Group (WCG). In this role he is responsible for leading the quality and compliance activities for all of the WCG institutional review boards (IRBs).
Borasky has 20 years of experience in managing IRBs in settings that include global public health organizations, large academic medical centers, and independent IRBs. He has facilitated training activities on basic research ethics and IRB operations and management for IRB staff and members for institutions and IRBs throughout the US and abroad. He has served as a consultant for the Office for Human Research Protections, the US Department of Energy, the World Health Organization, and numerous other institutions. He currently serves as co-chair of the Subpart A Subcommittee of the DHHS Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections.
Borasky is a Certified IRB Professional and former member of the board of directors of Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R). In 2018 he was named a Distinguished Leader of PRIM&R. He received his undergraduate education at Le Moyne College and his master’s degree in public health leadership from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Latest insights by DAVID

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