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800+ Pre-Qualified Participants Transferred to Study Sites for IBD Portfolio


A sponsor needed to effectively and efficiently enroll its Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) portfolio covering multiple drugs across multiple protocols and indications. Furthermore, as common with IBD studies, a key enrollment criteria was that individuals needed to be actively experiencing symptoms at the time of consent.


WCG developed a recruitment strategy that screened medical records across multiple protocols simultaneously. WCG’s virtual waiting room was utilized to keep participants engaged until the required symptom flare was experienced and they could be further evaluated and consented.


The studies enrolled on time with most of the protocols in the portfolio successfully enrolling ahead of schedule. WCG pre-screened over 58,000 potential participants, comparing multiple protocols to inclusion / exclusion criteria, and populating the virtual waiting room.

Pre-qualified potential participants pending flare waited within the virtual waiting room until they could be transferred to the study teams for consent. WCG’s screening services ensured that only the qualified 800+ potential participants were transferred to the study sites.

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